Jan 05, 2018 Sudarshan Kriya (in which there's this chant of “SoHum” which you are asking) is very powerful and vigorous breathing technique which cleanses so much of toxins from the body. The Last Witch Hunter (English) Dual Audio Hindi Free Downloadbfdcm. The art of living started by guruji as a very rational spiritual product in relavance to its contemporary depressive world consumeristic society.whats the big deal about marketing a vedic capsule benifts a lot for the society wich seeks the dead god.but the major problem wich i noticed was the mere irrational mysticism spreading out by the A. Download So Hum Sudarshan Kriya – Free Online MP3 Art of living sudarshan kriya So hum meditation reduce belly fat: pin. So Hum Meditation: A Complete Beginner's.

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  5. Art Of Living Sudarshan Kriya So Hum Mp3 Download

AOL Course – Day 3 – Sudarshan Kriya

Wednesday 6:30 PM

Teacher now explains Sudarshan Kriya. There are rhythms in nature – day-night, seasons and so on. In our body also there are rhythms. Modern life we have lost the naturnal rhythm and the best way to come to natural rhythm is through practicing rhythmic breathing. In Sudarshan Kriya we breath in different rhythms Long, Medium and Short. He says Kriya was devised by Ravishankar when he was in silence for ten days in Shimoga district in Karnataka.

Teacher then asked all of us to sit comfortably and follow the instruction from the tape. The cassete was wrapped in saffron cloth. To signify the sanctity of the recorded instruction.The cassete was put inside the tape recorder.

We were asked to sit straight and relaxed and for people who cannot sit cross legged they can sit in the chair or even lie down. Tape Recorder Switched on. We breath in whenever Ravishankar Says ‘Sooo’ and for ‘Ham’ we breath out.

The tape begins:

Ravishankar in his effeminate voice starts the chanting – Sooo hum, Soo hum for which we breath correspondingly.

Initially he chants the long breaths

Sooooooooooooo hum Soooooooooo hum …… after a few rounds he switches to a faster tempo the medium rhythm

Sooooo hum Soooo Hum Sooo Hum after some more rounds of this he switches on to a much faster rhythm

So hum so hum so hum .. this goes on for some time

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them he goes back to the longer rhythm

Sooooooooooooo hum Sooooooooooooo hum and so on . Across all the three rhythms the exhalation time was the same – hum.

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This whole thing is repeated some 7 rounds of Long, Medium and Short Breaths. In each round of Ravishankar’s chanting there were 20 long breaths, about 70 – 100 medium breaths, about 60-80 short breaths.

This whole breathing exercise was about thirty minutes. Some of the folks couldn’t bear the deep breathing and were coughing. Ravishankar inbetween the chanting of the So hums sometimes used to exhort things like – ‘Continue Continue dont stop the breathing’, ‘ Breath in your own comfortable rhythm’, ‘Whatever thoughts or emotions comes in breath it out’. Sometimes people says ahhh or laugh or tell some gibberish.

After the end of the seven rounds of breathing Ravishankar asks us to lie down on our back and relax. We lie down and there is a tingling in my arms as a result of so much of breathing in the last half an hour. We relax for about 15 minutes. I feel very relaxed. Near about the end of fifteen minutes Ravishankar starts giving instruction to focus and relax our feet, calves, thighs, abdomen, navel, chest, arms, throat and face. He then sings a sanskrit sloka – ‘Vande om guru paduma paraga…’. I think this is from Ramacharita Manas of Tulsidas but not sure. Maybe I should check it out Then Ravishankar says from the recorded cassette that if we are ready we can turn to our right open our eyes and get up. We all get up.

This was the long Sudarshan Kriya. The teacher now asked for our experiences. Some of the folks said they felt calm and peaceful. Many felt the tingling in their hands and feet and the face becoming numb with hyper oxegenation. The middle aged guy also said he saw his blue pearl again.

Teacher said good good. He also told that there is an enormous amount of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual benefits to this breathing exercise.It was around 7:30 now.

I asked the teacher if I can get a copy of the tape. Teacher reacted sharply and said – no no no. This tape can be owned only by the teachers of art of living. This is the long kriya and should be done only at art of living centres. There is a Short kriya which he was going to teach which can be done by us at home. The short Kriya is an abridged form of the long kriya where we breath the long medium and short breaths for 20, 40, 40. That is 20 long breaths, 40 medium breaths and 40 short breaths and this cycle is repeated three times. After the completion of this we can take a few long deep breaths and then sit in silence for 5 – 10 minutes waiting for meditation to happen.

This was the short kriya which he asked us to practice at home starting from tomorrow morning.

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I wasn’t surprised about this new revealed technique at all as I could trace the technique back to the rebirthing holotrophic breathing excercises and the chakra breathing I had done earlier in the Osho centre at Kumarapark in Bangalore. Swami Anand Swabhav the Osho Sanyasin and meditation teacher had guided us into these cathartic breathing techniques giving us the rationale behind each and every breathing rhythms. The breathing is done is a continous rhythm without stopping. There were specific emotions and corresponding emotions which were expereinced in this. Osho had spoken extensively in his works on the breathing rhythms and their cirresponding emotional and physical states. In contrast to this I found the AOL teacher lacking basic knowledge of pranayama on most occassions and on top of this the teacher was highly secretive and cultish about the breathing techniques. The empahsis on the lack of openess in the Art of Living course with respect to the breathing techniques (which in any case is not original but made to look like one) runs counter to my sensibilities on ‘Art of Living’. I always hold the axiom of Rabindranath Tagore ‘A world where knowledge is free’ in high esteem. According to me a great teacher is one who can impart Knowledge in full. But in order to create a mystique around practices and wares they sell groups like Art of Living make simple breathing techniques into patented knowledge. They also create a dependency and a parasitic support for the organization by withholding information and make the people come to their place to practice the ‘Long Kriya’. It is true that Yoga practices should be done under expert guidence as there are indications and contra indications for every practice. But in assembly line yogic courses like art of living we find the teachers main qualification is obedeince to the guru and group and upholding the secrecy of the so called innovative practices. THis knowledge in any case is common knowledge and available in the public domain.

We all look for solutions to contain the day to day stress of life, whether it is physical or physiological. Do you want to feel better, look better, and live better? Would you believe me if I told you that the solution to all of this is breathing well? Yes, you read it right. It is as simple as that if you do it right.

Tension and anxiety are by-products of our fast-paced modern lifestyle when we overtly rely on our frontal lobes. It is best to explore natural healing methods of various cultural traditions that give long-lasting results. Sudarshan Kriya is one such method from the ancient yogic science of India. Here, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about it. Scroll down to find out more.

What Is Sudarshan Kriya?

‘Su’ means proper, and ‘darshan’ means vision. ‘Kriya’ in yogic science means to purify the body. As a whole, Sudarshan Kriya means ‘proper vision by purifying action.’ Sudarshan Kriya Yoga is a unique breathing practice that involves cyclical breathing patterns that range from slow and calming to rapid and stimulating. In this Kriya, you take control of your breath, which positively affects your immune system, nerves, and psychological problems.

According to a 2009 published study of Harvard Medical School, Sudarshan Kriya yoga can effectively address anxiety and depression. The method is inexpensive and risk-free and has favorable effects on your mind-body connection. With environmental pollution, bad eating habits, and a sedentary lifestyle bogging you down, Sudarshan Kriya is a way out for you to lead a better life.

Read on to find out its process. Remember, you must be initiated into the Kriya only by a certified yoga teacher or guru.

The Sudarshan Kriya Technique

Before starting the kriya, sit in the Vajrasana position.

1. Ujjayi (Victorious Breath)

Image: iStock

Ujjayi requires you to breathe longer consciously. You can feel your breath by touching your throat. Ujjayi is a slow breathing process where you inhale and exhale in a relaxed manner, keeping the durations of inhalation and exhalation equal. This technique requires you to take 2-4 breaths per minute approximately. Slow breathing trains you to gain control over your breath and lets you prolong it till the exact count. Ujjayi calms you down and keeps you alert.

2. Bhastrika (Bellows Breath)


Image: iStock

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In Bhastrika, you will have to inhale and exhale air rapidly and forcefully. You should be able to do 30 breaths per minute. The breathing style is primarily short and quick. The duration of the exhalations should be twice that of the inhalations. Bhastrika has the unique effect of stimulating the body followed by calmness.

3. Om Chant

Image: iStock

The pure sound of ‘Om,’ the basis of all life, is chanted 3 times. The chanting of Om connects you to the origin of the universe and the purpose of life. Om runs in your breath that sustains life. Om, when said out loud, is divided into three parts – A-U-M. After chanting two Oms, there should be silence. It represents a state of bliss when you can experience the Supreme.

4. Kriya (Purifying Breath)

Image: iStock

The third and the most important form is the Kriya, which is an advanced form of breathing. It requires you to breathe in slow, medium, and fast cycles. The breaths should be cyclical and rhythmic. Make sure that the duration of your inhalations is twice that of your exhalations. This final step clears your vision and purifies your being.

The whole process will take you about 45 minutes, and you can practice it at any time of the day. Avoid doing it immediately after having a meal.

Side Effects

Various international educational organizations studied and proved that Sudarshan Kriya has no known side effects. They documented its manner of teaching and effectiveness. Sudarshan Kriya will do wonders for you when learned from an expert yoga teacher who will guide you through it well. It is not recommended to try it on your own.


Sudarshan Kriya must be done right under the guidance of a yoga teacher. Otherwise, it will be ineffective and maybe even harmful. Make sure you are physically and mentally eligible to do the Sudarshan Kriya by consulting your doctor and yoga instructor. It is best if pregnant women, those under alcohol and drug abuse, and people suffering from extreme mental illness avoid this Kriya.

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Benefits Of Sudarshan Kriya

  • Sudarshan Kriya improves your overall health and well-being.
  • It increases your energy levels and strengthens the immune system.
  • The Kriya trains you to deal with challenging situations in a better manner.
  • It will clear your head of unnecessary clutter and improve your sleep quality.
  • It enhances your brain function and ups your creativity.
  • Sudarshan Kriya reduces stress and eases anxiety.
  • It works wonders for post-traumatic stress disorder and depression.
  • It will relax you completely and help you attain inner peace.
  • The Kriya will ease out the tensions in your personal relationships and build a bond of joy, harmony, and love.
  • It will make you aware of yourself and your surroundings.
  • It will increase your confidence levels and make you more patient.

Now that we know how to do Sudarshan Kriya, what are you waiting for? Let’s take a look at some of the frequently asked questions regarding the practice.

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Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions

What is the difference between yoga and Sudarshan Kriya?

Yoga is much more than the physical exercises. It involves engaging with the mind and breath. Sudarshan Kriya taps your inner energy and connects you to the source of life.

What is the solution to anger?

Anger is okay only if it lasts for a little while. Otherwise, it is damaging to your being. The good news is you can fix it with meditation.

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Now that you know that a relatively simple process like Sudarshan Kriya can help you achieve mental, physical, emotional, and social well-being, nothing should stop you from enrolling in a class and learning it from a certified yoga instructor. Find a place and get started!

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