
Download X-notifier (for Gmail,Hotmail,Yahoo,AOL.) for Firefox. Notifier for gmail, yahoo, hotmail, aol and more webmails. X-notifier(aka WebMail Notifier) checks your webmail accounts and notifies the number of unread emails. Supports: gmail, yahoo, hotmail, and more. The novice-friendly Gmail Notifier is easy to install and set up, requiring only your username and password. A small white envelope is placed in your system tray. It's easy to see when new e-mail.

Not only is email very useful for communication between friends and families and sending messages with attachments such as reports, photos, documents, presentations, video clips and music files, it’s also useful for notification purposes. For example, a website monitoring service such as Pingdom has alerts where you’ll be notified through different methods such as email, SMS, twitter or in-app when your server is down. Third party backup software also normally has at least an email notification feature where you can set it up to automatically email you when the backup process has completed or failed.

If you are writing a batch file and want to send an automated email when the batch has completed running or if you’re faced with a third party software that does not even support email notification, then the simple solution is to use a command line email sending tool for Windows. Here we have 7 ways to look at.

An example command line for sending an email using Gmail is given for every utility mentioned below. You’ll need to change the following information in the command line option:
  • sender@gmail.com = Replace it with your full Gmail address
  • recipient@email.com = Replace it with the email address that will receive the message
  • YourGmailPassword = Replace it with your Gmail password
  • subject = The subject of the email. Make sure it is enclosed with double quotes if there are spaces. For example, This is a long subject
  • body = The message of the email. Should also enclose with double quotes if there are spaces

1. SwithMail

Out of all the command line email sending tools, we’d consider SwithMail as one of the best in its class, if not the best. Instead of the need to write really long command line options to silently send an email where you might make mistakes and need a few tries to get it right, configuring SwithMail is quite foolproof thanks to the easy to use settings configuration GUI. You even test the email settings to make sure that it is able to successfully send an email.

Other than the standard options such as attachments, CC, BCC that you’d normally find when sending an email, SwithMail supports returning error codes, global variables and wildcard attachments which is very useful to automatically send log files with dated filenames. Below is a working example of SwithMail command line options to send an email using Gmail account.

SwithMail.exe /s /from sender@gmail.com /pass YourGmailPassword /server smtp.gmail.com /p 587 /SSL /to recipient@email.com /sub subject /b message

Download SwithMail

2. CMail

If you need to use a command line email sending tool that supports proxy, CMail would be your choice as it’s the only one that can support socks and HTTPS based proxy. Other interesting features that can be found in CMail are sending the whole directory content based on wildcard attachment and delivery status notification.

The full working command line to send an email using Gmail is as follows:

CMail.exe -secureport -host:sender@gmail.com:YourGmailPassword@smtp.gmail.com:465 -from:sender@gmail.com -to:recipient@email.com -subject:subject -body:message

Download CMail

3. SendSMTP

Running SendSMTP will bring up an interactive graphical user interface to send emails but at the same time it also supports command line instructions to silently send email with just one line of commands. Although an advanced user would have no problems with the command line arguments, a GUI will greatly help a basic computer user in creating a working config file.

Some notable features found in SendSMTP are the ability to save the password as encrypted using 128-bit Rijndael (AES) rather than saving the password as clear text, enable log file to save the activity of the SendSMTP program, and can return codes to report if the send email is successful (0), failed (1), or cannot find settings (2). The full command line for SendSMTP to send email using Gmail is as follow.

SendSMTP.exe /nos /host smtp.gmail.com /port 587 /auth 2 /userid sender@gmail.com /pass YourGmailPassword /from sender@gmail.com /to recipient@email.com /subject subject /body message

However, if you’ve saved the settings as default from the GUI which will create a SendSMTP.ini file at the same location as the program, a much shorter command line can be used to send an email.

SendSMTP /s SendSMTP.ini

Do note that there are 2 versions available on the download page. You will need the newer version with the bigger file size to support sending email using Gmail because the old version does not support SASL authentication.

Download SendSMTP


4. mailsend

Comparing with the utilities mentioned above, mailsend is a simpler command line tool to send email using SMTP. It doesn’t have fancy features such as loading config from an external file, password encryption, GUI, error codes and etc. However, an interesting feature found in mailsend that is not available on other command line email sending tool is the ability to show SMTP server information by using the -info option.

mailsend is available for both Windows and Linux operating system. Below is the example command line for mailsend to send an email using Gmail.

mailsend1.17b15.exe -t recipient@email.com -f sender@gmail.com -ssl -port 465 -auth -smtp smtp.gmail.com -sub subject -M message -user sender@gmail.com -pass YourGmailPassword

Download mailsend

5. Send-It-Quiet

Send-It-Quiet is the smallest command line SMTP mailer utility that weighs only 14KB in size and this is made possible with .NET Framework. This would also mean that you need to have .NET Framework 3.5 installed to run Send-It-Quiet. Send-It-Quiet only comes with very basic parameters that are enough to send an email. Possibly the only extra features found in Send-It-Quiet are the return value of ERRORLEVEL and also the flexibility of manually adding the parameters to registry.

The command line to send an email using Send-It-Quite with a Gmail account is:

senditquiet.exe -s smtp.gmail.com -port 587 -u sender@gmail.com -protocol ssl -p YourGmailPassword -f sender@gmail.com -t recipient@email.com -subject subject -body message

Download Send-It-Quiet

6. SendEmail

SendEmail is written in Perl but there is no need to install Perl in Windows for this command line mailer utility to work. SendEmail was last updated in 2009, but the last version has TLS support which means it can send email using Gmail SMTP. In terms of features, it is quite similar to Send-It-Quiet which only supports the standard email sending options such as to, from, subject, body, attachment, etc. SendEmail is available for both Windows and Linux operating systems.

Here is an example of the command line options that can send email using Gmail SMTP.

sendEmail.exe -o tls=yes -f sender@gmail.com -t recipient@email.com -s smtp.gmail.com:587 -xu sender@gmail.com -xp YourGmailPassword -u subject -m message

Download SendEmail

7. PowerShell

PowerShell is included in Windows operating systems since Windows 7 which means you can actually use a powershell script to send an email through Gmail SMTP without any of the command line tools mentioned above.

The sample script that can be downloaded at the link below is a very basic one that is meant to only send an email without attachment support. Simply download the ps1 script, open it with Notepad or Windows PowerShell ISE and change the credentials located at line number 8. The command line to run the powershell script is as follows. Make sure you update the path to the .ps1 file.

Powershell.exe -executionpolicy remotesigned -File C:UsersRaymondsendemail.ps1

Download PowerShell Script to SendEmail

The popular Blat is not included in the list because it does not support SSL which means it cannot send email using Gmail SMTP. Bmail (last updated in 2004), cmdsendmail which is a part of CommandLine Tools, and XmlSendmail are also example of command line send mail utility that doesn’t support SSL.

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Stans16 hours ago

This is such a nice find! I tried SwithMail, SendSMTP and Powershell, but loved SwithMail more because it’s fairly up-to-date compared to SendSMTP and it offers password obfuscation . They all worked beautifully with Gmail using an app-specific password. Powershell offers a fantastic native solution if use of third-party tools is not preferable. Thanks for this extremely handy listing. Some free backup programs lock the email alert feature, but allow running of scripts/programs before and/or after backup jobs are executed. These solutions will come in handy for such cases. I’m using this with Internet Download Manager to alert me when downloads in a queue are complete.


A feature I’m looking for is the ability to pipe output from a command into the command line mail sender as it’s body or be able to specify a text file to use as the body. For example, this feature would be useful for running a powershell script and piping it’s output directly into an email. Do any of these utilities have this capability?

Humphrey2 months ago

Yes. CMail supports both.

ReplyEmail NotfierNotfier

I have programmed a small tool that also sends mails via cmd / batch. You can use a gui to create the command. It supports SSL, authentication and sending via the OWA interface of the Exchange Server.
Link: chefsender.com

damien7 months ago


Dipisoft SendMail (freeware) software is another email sending tool for Windows which has a graphical interface but can also be used in command line mode.

It allows you to send attachments, can interface with the ActiveDirectory in order to send emails to groups or distribution lists.

Finally, it offers the flexibility to declare several SMTP configurations (via the graphical interface) which can then be used by command line mode and GUI mode.

The tool is natively in French but it is provided with an English translation. If you wish/can, you can contribute to the tool by translating it into other languages.


The article is in French but you can translate it using the translation tool integrated into the site, in one of the blocks in the sidebar.




the download link for sendsmtp does not work. is there another place to get it?

HAL9000 Admin10 months ago

The link has been updated, thanks for the report.


Which tool can send a signature line with logo

Humphrey9 months ago

Any client that can send HTML messages with inline attachments.


Does any of above supports html formats?

Humphrey12 months ago

CMail allows you to specify an HTML document to use as the message body.




Email Notifiers

Humphrey1 year ago

Mini-relay cannot be used to send mail from the command line. It only relays mail from other clients, much of which will end up in spam folders due to the sender not having their domain and server configured as per best practice.


Left off the list: NetMailBot (NetMailBot.com)

Barry Milburn2 years ago

Great solution if you need to email automated responses from windows task scheduler where the option to email has been deprecated (i.e. functionality removed by microsoft). I selected SwithMail and it works perfectly with Win Server 2012 R2.

I decided I don’t care if the server backup is sucessful, I only want to know if it has failed so only need one custom task to send me an email when a backup fails.

example arguments…

/s /from adminemailaddress /pass yourpassword /server yoursmtprelayserver /p 25 /to recipientemail /sub “Server Backup Job Has Failed!” /b “Hi, the overnight Server Backup Job has Failed Please investigate and Ressolve as Rquired Server Admin”

Hope this helps.


SMTPS on port 465 has been considered deprecated since STARTTLS was introduced in 1998. CMail and mailsend support both methods, so the examples should be updated to be consistent with the other products.

cmail.exe -starttls -host:sender@gmail.com:YourGmailPassword@smtp.gmail.com:587 -from:sender@gmail.com -to:recipient@email.com -subject:subject -body:message

Email Notifier App

You may also wish to add notes about GMail authentication. Users may need to either enable the Less secure apps setting on your Google account, or configure an App Password if using 2-step verification in order to send mail via the service.

john4 years ago

great article. Thanks.
by the way regarding the PowerShell Script to SendEmail any way to send it with an attached file?


Sorry, I got the right concept, but the wrong syntax for the way it’s used in the blog post. Try adding a line like this for the attachment:
$attachment = “c:attachment.txt”

ReplyEmail notifier freeware
ack19704 years ago

Email Notifier Gmail

a very good tool is blat (www.blat.net)


I liked the CMail!!! It accepts attach files using wildcards (*.*, !*,*. etc).
Many thanks!

German Martinez4 years ago

SmtpMail by SmtpInfo is perfect. smtpinfo.com
If you are logged in a Windows with an Active Directory user you can send authenticated emails without writting your user and password

Email Notifier Gmail


But fully featured SmtpMail with authentication costs $49 while Mail Alert Simple Mailer (sourceforge.net/projects/mail-alert/) is free and supports safe authentication, BCC, CC, multiple recipients and any SMTP port while free SmtpMail edition don’t.

Borg5 years ago

There is another cool commandline tool for sending emails:

It supports SSL and TLS, so you can configure your gmail address for sending emails.


thank you very much for the information, I created many programs in batch using some consoles, wget to download web pages or file. winrar console for actions on rar or zip files, fastman92imgconsole for working with files (.img). wbox, wfile, winput, wselect, and more did a program called (GTASA auto-installer creator) for the game gta san andreas and (GTASA audio-installer creator) with the help of the program autoplay menu designer did the menu.
and I had given up hope of making a program to send email, so we can send text messages to cell phones via email companies, and now thanks to this information I can continue my project, THANKS

Tony42195 years ago

7/26/15: things are a tad more difficult, I think, due to recent Security enhancements. I could not send anything via AT&T (kept getting Error Code 2 — later learned this is probably a password issue-could find out nothing except what the SMTP server URL might be).
I thought I also failed with Google, despite finding a HowTo. I eventually got a test email sent from Google to another account, immediately followed by a Google system-generated email that my account may have been hacked. There is an additional PIN security code that might be needed to remotely use the email account if it thinks it isn’t really me. I cannot find out how to program that because there is no info about it. There is an option to “lower the security settings on your account”. So, the thing that might work for me (I want to send myself an automatic email when a long programming build is finished) is to sign up for yet another Gmail account, lower its security settings, and use that instead of the real Google account. I want to use AutoIT (found a script for that!) to make a pre-written EXE emailer that I can include in a batchfile somewhere in the build.


nice info. thanks Ray

joseph r11 years ago

great.. i can use this for my visual basic project. thanks.

Email Notifier For Gmail With Sound


nice info raymond. thank you

Email Notifier Free


Mail Notifier For Windows 10

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